Ikr full form – What is the full form of ikr in chat?
You might have seen the aronym “ikr” many times on social media and have wondered what does it mean. It’s used in chat mostly. It’s also used in comments. Let’s see the full form of ikr and how it is used.
Full Form of ikr
Ikr – I know, right
Full form of ikr is “I know, right?”
Meaning of ikr and where to use
Ikr means that you completely agree with someone you’re texting with. When someone tells you something and you completely agree with them, then you can use this acronym.
How to use “ikr” acronym
You can use ikr acronym in chat just by writing “ikr“. As mentioned in above paragraph, when you agree someone, you can reply him “ikr“. See following examples –
Will: This game is so bad. No one wants to play it.
Joe: yeah ikr..
If you still don’t understand how to use it then write down in comment section. I’ll try to explain you again. If there’s some other acronym accross social media that you don’t know and can’t find it’s meaning, then ask me below in comments and I’ll try to upload it as soon as possible.